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St George's CE

Learning at St. George's


Below and on linked pages, you can find out more about what and how we teach at St George's - an engaging curriculum which nurtures independent learners. 

At St George's CE Primary School, we are very aware that the foundation skills we learn at Primary School are vital if we are to nurture a love of learning in our children.  Our Curriculum Drivers are rooted in our Christian values and school vision.  We want our children to value the place they have in the world and to recognise the important part they play.  We want them to know that they can have a positive impact on our school community, the local area and also on a national and global scale.  

Following on from pre-school, children enter Reception at St George's and complete the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum - please click here to find out more about the EYFS

The following link can be used to provide a detailed breakdown of the National Curriculum through Primary School (Key Stages 1 and 2).

National Curriculum (updated December 2014)

Curriculum Maps

Each academic year, class teachers develop and deliver a topic based approach, wherever possible. Some subjects are taught as blocked units in order to enhance and consolidate learning.  This means children may not necessarily study every subject outlined in the half term curriculum maps each week, and instead experience a sequence of lessons over a number of weeks instead.  For children in Year 1 - Year 6, we have a two-year rolling programme for our curriculum maps.  Our curriculum is ever evolving so please bear in mind the curriculum maps are working documents and may be subject to changes.

2023-2024 Curriculum Maps (Year A):

2024-2025 Curriculum Maps (Year B):

Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) and Key Stage 2 (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6)

What does your child learn at school each day? Find information about our curriculum subjects here: